
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mad-Eye's Prize Winner

I'm sorry to be this slow announcing a winner.  I had a bit of a family emergency on Halloween that set-off  three weeks full of delays and emergencies, some good, some not so good.

But I would now like to announce the winner in the Mad-Eye's Magical Eye contest.  Congratulations to Heather Faesy of Lost in the View blog!

Heather, I hope you have a good door to nail this on.  Just use it for good luck and not to spy on people like Umbridge! :-)

Thanks to all who entered, and I hope to have another contest around Christmas, so check back soon!

You can follow Heather at her Twitterfeed hfaesy.


  1. Congratulations to Heather. That should keep all nasty glances at bay - it should work on Dr Who's angels too, after all it will never look away ;)

  2. OMG that thing is awesome. Congrats Heather. :)
