
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Southern Fried Wiccan Release Day with Giveaway, Plus Interview with Editor Mary Waibel

Release day is finally here! Southern Fried Wiccan is live today!
Southern Fried Wiccan by S.P. Sipal
Many moons ago, when I first got the offer from BookFish Books, I was thrilled.  Finally, this story I had worked so long and so hard on would be shared with the readers I'd written it for. I didn't quite realize how much more long and hard work I had ahead of me.

But Mary Waibel, as my content editor, and Ellie Sipila, as my line and copy editor, made that work a fun and learning experience. I'm so thrilled that Mary is celebrating with me today by sharing her experience not only as an editor, but a writer as well.

Don't leave without checking out the giveaway below for a Turkish tea set! And visit Jami Gold's blog where I'm guest posting today.

Southern Fried Wiccan on Amazon!

1) What drew you to editing?
Mary Waibel
Mary: When I started working with beta readers, before I was published, I found I really enjoyed reading for people and pointing out the places that worked really well in their story and the areas where I was confused, or where characters were inconsistent, places they could strengthen to make the story better. So, when Tammy (the founder of BookFish Books) asked me if I would like to work as a content editor for her, I said, I'd love to.

2) How did you get your start as an author?
Mary: I dabbled in writing for my own fun after college. After playing around with a few stories, I thought I'd write something with the intent to publish it. So I wrote. Then I found beta readers, and re-wrote. I researched getting agents, and queried too soon. Then I wrote some more, queried again, and finally I decided to query some small presses. I had fulls requested from 2 places, and eventually was given a contract from MuseItUp Publishing, where I published the first three books in the Princess of Valendria series.

3) What challenges do you face juggling roles as both editor and author?
Mary: Balancing my time. When I work on a project, I'm all in. I have a hard time working for a few hours on one thing, then moving on to something else, so if I'm editing a book for BookFish, I'm not working on my own projects until I am done.
4) What new releases are in store for you?
Mary: I'm currently working on a few projects. A YA romantic comedy where the girl is using romance novel ideas to get the boy she likes to ask her out. I'm also working on a series of short stories set in Valendria featuring the main characters from the first three books. Of course, I also will be writing the second book in the Faery Marked series.

5) What can we have to look forward to from BookFish Books?
Mary: BookFish Books just released Extraordinary Sam, a MG novel by Kevin Springer and your very own Southern Fried Wiccan (which I had the pleasure of content editing!). We are also looking forward to releasing The Boatman, a MG novel by Kat Hawthorne, The Best Kept Secret, a YA novel by Wendi Nunnery, The Travelers, a YA novel by Meradeth Houston, and The Fulfilment, the third book in the Fulfillment series by Erin Rhew.

Thank you so much, Mary, for being here today and for the numerous rounds of edits you put in on Southern Fried Wiccan!

In my story, Cilla, my main character, has just moved back to the US from living in Turkey a couple of years. While there, not only did she discover a fascination with Artemis of Ephesus, but, like me, completely fell in love with Turkish tea and how it is served. The small, tulip-shaped glasses of traditional Turkish tea are simply lovely, especially when filled with the strong, dark amber tea the drink morning, noon, and night.

So what better way for me to celebrate a book partly inspired by my time in Turkey than by sharing a glass of Turkish tea! Enter below to win this tea set with service for 6 (glasses and saucers) with a tin of Turkish tea. And thank you! (United States shipping only).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Mary Waibel and Faery Marked:

Twisting tales one story at a time. YA author Mary Waibel’s love for fairytales and happy-ever fill the pages of her works. Whether penning stories in a medieval setting or a modern day school, magic and romance weave their way inside every tale. Strong female characters use both brain and brawn to save the day and win the heart of their men. Mary enjoys connecting with her readers through her website:

Faery Marked on Amazon