
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Release, Guest Post, and Upcoming Workshop

Today I've got several updates and news items I want to share with you:

Sweeter Than Tea - BelleBooks' newest collection of Southern short stories has been released and includes my story "Running Raw."  The book is available on Kindle and will be coming soon in paperback and other formats.  Running Raw is the story of a prodigal daughter returning home to run a "milk-shine" business to save the family farm.

Guest blog post - In celebration of this new release, I guest posted yesterday on "The Devil's in the Detail" at Martina Boone's blog, Adventures in YA & Children's Publishing.  Martina also has a story in Sweeter Than Tea that you must read - Bringing Lula Home.  It's very touching story with great atmosphere involving old family secrets and an artist reclaiming her passion.  Martina will be guest blogging here on Thursday, so be sure to come back!

Ascendio 2 012 - I mentioned a while back that I will be presenting A Writer's Guide to Harry Potter at a large fan and writer's conference this summer in Orlando.  Now it is only 1 month away!  Seriously, all you writers out there, you need to check this conference out.  It's got a wonderful writing track with a slew of great agents and editors in attendance:
  • Joanna Volpe (agent)
  • Lindsay Ribar (agent & author)
  • Carlie Webber (agent)
  • Ben Schrank (publisher)
  • Cecilia Tan (publisher & author)
  • Omnific (publishing company)

And the following authors: Lev Grossman, Beth Revis, Libba Bray, Veronica Roth, Aimee Carter, Michelle Hodkin, Kaza Kingsley, Mark Oshiro,  Connie Neal

Be sure to come back Thursday for Martina's post, and watch out for more changes and updates coming soon.... :-)