
Friday, July 1, 2011

A Wee Bit of Housekeeping

A couple of weeks ago, before news of Pottermore broke, I was in the middle of sprucing up the place.  I've not had a minute since to finish it up.  I like the lighter look, but would love to get feedback from you all.  Are there any design or component features you think I should add to the site?  Have you noticed anything not working properly or that is unnecessary? What have you noticed on other blogs that you think would work well here?

Also two weeks ago, I tried something new by uploading my workshop onto Kindle.  I've had quite a bit of positive feedback and would like to ask a favor.  If you've read A Writer's Guide to Harry Potter and liked it, would you mind posting a review?  Likewise, if you saw room for improvement, would you let me know so I can make it better for everyone?

I've also added a Facebook page that is very new.  Can you help me spread the word to any of your Facebook friends who like Harry and writing?

Finally, I know my posts tend to get a bit long.  That's one reason I liked breaking this last topic up into a series.  I've decided to do some more of these.  To bookend the First Chapter Series of posts and to celebrate the upcoming release of the last movie, I'm going to do a series analyzing the last chapter of Deathly Hallows and how JK Rowling drew the series to a close.  (This will not be on the epilogue).   Look for these posts to start next week.

And the last finally, I'm coming up on my first year blogoversary! My first post was July 16, 2010. To celebrate this as well as the release of the movie and the upcoming Pottermore, I will be hosting a contest of some sort.  I'll finalize plans over the weekend and announce in the next few days.

So, stick around! And thank you!
(PS: Did I engage you enough? :-)


  1. Hi Susan! I haven't noticed anything not working on the site, and I do like the new look.
    Can't wait for your series' ending analysis! :o) Oh, and I'm looking forward to your blogoversary contest also.
    Hope you have a great 4th! :)

  2. I love your blog's facelift! It's a lot easier to read now. Everything looks great!

    My only suggestion is maybe switching your verification settings. Right now it's set when you type your comment, submit, then it takes you back to your comment to also type in the word verif and then submit again and finally the comment goes through. Very tedious especially when one is trying to read through lots of blog posts in a short amount of time!

    I'm looking forward to your future posts!!!

  3. Love your new blog design. I used to have a very clean look to mine, which I thought worked very well. Lately, I've changed it around to add more colour. I think we go through phases of preference.

  4. I like your new blog design - very easy to read, sleek and focused on the words themselves. Perfect! I need to do some housekeeping on my blog... ;)

  5. yep, I like the lighter blog design. An early congrats for your blogiversary!

  6. Hi All, sorry so slow to respond. We were out of town for the weekend in a place with no Internet..which was a good thing! I started a new story idea that I'm excited about.

    But thank you all for the comments on the blog. And Laura, I think you're right about the comment verification. With my old computer, I know it slows me down on other people's blogs. I'll try taking it off as long as I don't start getting much spam. :-)

    Will update on the contest later in the week.

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