
Friday, September 24, 2010

JK Rowling - Oprah TweetParty!

Are you as excited as I am about the possibilities coming out of next week's (Friday, Oct. 1) JK Rowling interview on Oprah?  Could the announcement of her next novel be forthcoming?  Don't you want to squee together with a bunch of like-minded fans?

Let's all Tweet together and share the excitement of this rare interview.  Use the hashtag #JKROprah on Twitter when the program airs Friday, October 1! (as well as leading up to next Friday!)

Spread the word.

Does anybody get the show sooner than 4 pm EST? Let me know!

I'll keep you up to date here and on Twitter:
@HP4Writers on Twitter

Watch new clip on last words of Deathly Hallows here:

And an earlier clip posted at JKR Fan's blog:

See these posts for more details on the announcement:

The Daily Snitcher
The Leaky Cauldron


  1. AHHHHHHHH!!!! I think I'll wet my pants if she announces her next project. She's such a secret keeper, that Jo.

  2. You're right! And keeping those secrets, especially within the story, is a huge part of what made her such a great success! :-)

    Can't wait!
